Enjoy reaching your full potential
Tell me more!

About Me


Hi, I'm Clément. I'm a Certified Professional Coach. I empower ambitious entrepreneurs in the achievement of their dreams 🗻. Since 2022, my personnalized programs help them face uncertainties with confidence and fun 🎯.

Gratitude, Optimism and Creativity are my top 3 values, what about yours ? Aside To The Summit, I'm part of the race for sustainable progress 🍃 at Leyton as a Digital Transformation Manager. I believe each one of us has a gift to share with the world and I wish for everyone to uncover the life of their dreams. Dare to live a meaningful life now ⬇️.

What can I get?


More Efficiency

Time Management

- Don't ever miss opportunities. - Become a war-machine of productivity. - Face uncertainties with confidence.

Deeper Relationships


- No more regrets and remorses. - Be more present for the one you love. - Become the best version of yourself.

Faster Transition


- Allow yourself to dream. - Dare to live your passion. - Reconnect with your true self.

Bolder Mindset


- Reach peak performance. - Live a purposeful and meaningful life. - Seize your freedom & core values.


1-1 Single Session

Crescent Moon Package

69.99€ 1:1 Coaching Session 1 x 50 mins

Accelerated Program

Half Moon Package

279.99€ 5 Coaching Sessions + Design of your own A-Program 5 x 50 mins

Complete Program

Full Moon Package

499.99€ 10 Coaching Sessions + Design of your own C-Program + VIP Support 24/7 10 x 50 mins


I - Get in touch

Send me a message explaining your motivations and goals. I'll reply to you as soon as possible.

II - Discovery call

Make a discovery call with me online. This is where you'll get to find out more about coaching and if it's right for you.

III - Booking

If everything sounds great, we'll agree a package of appointments and schedule times that are convenient for you.